# Art’s Eternal Light#

This poem is a tribute to the creative spirit. It employs vibrant imagery to encapsulate the essence of the artistic journey – the initial spark of inspiration at dawn, the fervent act of creation, the obstacles encountered, and the eventual victory of self-expression.

The poem urges the reader to accept their distinctive voice and allow their art to radiate brilliantly, brightening up the world for others.

Art’s Eternal Light

In dawn’s hush, dreams spark, a whispered flight,

Possibility’s wings take to morning’s light.

Passion’s brush ignites a world unseen,

Unfurling beauty on the heart’s keen screen.

Courage bleeds bold strokes across the sky,

Perseverance weaves a tapestry so high.

Through the storm’s fury, let your spirit climb,

Untamed potential reaching for the sublime.

May your art be a lighthouse, strong and true,

Guiding lost souls through the endless blue.

Every note, each word, a vibrant song,

A symphony of self where you belong.

So, Keep creating, keep shining bright,

Yes, in your art, we can find your light.

(Vijay Verma)


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8 replies

  1. NICE 💚🧡♥️

    Blessed and Happy afternoon 🌞

    Liked by 2 people

  2. After early humans discovered how to make fire, they discovered how to make art. Both gave light for our civilizations to develop.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your observation is both profound and poetic.
      Indeed, the mastery of fire and the creation of art were pivotal milestones in the evolution of human civilization.
      Fire not only provided warmth and protection but also extended the day, allowing for more time to think, create, and socialize.
      Similarly, art offered a new form of expression and communication, giving light to the human spirit and fostering cultural development.
      Together, these discoveries illuminated the path for our ancestors, shaping the foundation of the complex societies we see today.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Your explanation is much more eloquent though. I love the details you put in – how fire “extended the day” and how art gave “light to the human spirit.” On point!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you so much.
          I’m glad you enjoyed the details. Fire and art indeed played crucial roles in our development,
          both literally and metaphorically illuminating our journey.
          Fire extended the day, giving us warmth, safety, and time to innovate, while art allowed us to express and
          communicate, nurturing the human spirit and fostering cultural growth.
          Together, they were the beacons that guided our ancestors and helped shape the rich tapestry of human civilization.

          Liked by 1 person

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