# My Unique Abilities#

A Look at My Strengths

Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?

Hey everyone!

I stumbled upon a fantastic prompt today while doing my daily writing routine: “What are you good at?”

It got me thinking, and honestly, it surprised me a bit. Reflecting on strengths and weaknesses isn’t exactly my cup of tea.

Pinpointing my abilities can be tricky. But here’s the magic – sometimes, all it takes is someone else’s perspective to open my eyes to qualities I’ve completely overlooked.

Take listening, for example. It might sound surprising, but people often tell me I’m a great listener. Maybe it doesn’t register because it feels so natural to me.

I’m patient, I care deeply, and I always make time to hear what my loved ones have to say. Whether it’s a shoulder to cry on or thoughtful advice, I’m there. And the best part? It comes effortlessly, almost like second nature.

But strengths can also reveal themselves in unexpected ways. Sometimes, it’s a challenge or a test that throws your hidden talents into the spotlight.

In my case, retirement has unveiled a strength I never knew I had – the ability to stay calm under pressure. Even in stressful situations, I tend to keep my cool and focus on the problem at hand, which surprisingly helps me navigate challenges more effectively.

It wasn’t until others pointed it out that I realized this calm demeanor actually had a soothing effect on the people around me.

Here’s another secret weapon in my arsenal: creative problem-solving. I always seem to find unconventional solutions, even when resources are scarce. This knack for improvisation and innovation probably stems from my artistic side – my love for drawing and painting.

There’s immense satisfaction in using my artistic nature to come up with creative solutions and let’s face it, it’s just plain fun!

Exploring these hidden aspects of myself has been a real eye-opener. It’s brought me genuine happiness and a whole new perspective on my capabilities. It’s a reminder that sometimes, our strengths are so ingrained in our everyday lives that we completely miss them.

So, my friends, what are your hidden superpowers? Take some time to reflect, ask around, and see what you discover. You might be surprised by the amazing qualities you possess.


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6 replies

  1. ‘It’s a reticulated python’ said my hubby (also retired biology teacher) and my editor, formatter, hiking/climbing buddy. His python-named Othello- was 13 feet and helped him in his classes to teach. But his life ended when the caregiver forgot to keep the temp. warm enough. Dee Tezelli, author of 24+eBooks/Paper backs on Amazon. All plots are mountain and wilderness adventures. Download and read later on any browser. Namaste.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you for sharing that fascinating and heartfelt story. It sounds like your husband had an incredible bond with Othello, and it’s wonderful that he used his love for biology to educate others. I’m sorry to hear about Othello’s passing; it’s clear he was a special part of your husband’s life and work. Your achievements as an author are impressive, and your focus on mountain and wilderness adventures sounds captivating. I look forward to exploring your books. All the best..


  2. 🤔🤔… good at talking calmly and resolving conflicts 🙂🙃

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, you can say ability to talk calmly and resolve conflicts effectively is incredibly valuable
      in both personal and professional settings.
      It helps build stronger relationships and creates a more positive environment. Is it not😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. 😁😁 yes sir! correct consideration you know 😉🙏

    Liked by 1 person

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