#One More Conversation#

Who would you like to talk to soon?

This writing prompt isn’t just nostalgic for me, it’s a gaping hole in my heart. The person I yearn to talk to most is the one I can never reach again – my Mom.

Though she’s been gone for fifteen years, the distance feels like a mere whisper compared to the vastness of her absence. She left us so suddenly, ten fleeting minutes that stole me of a final goodbye.

In those last moments, they say her eyes searched for someone. Maybe it was me. The regret of not being there, of missing that chance to hold her hand one last time, is a sorrow that carves deep.

I wish I could talk to you again

Oh, Mom, how I wish I could talk to you again, just once. I want you to know how much your blessings have shaped my life. We have everything we need, yet the echo of your absence lingers.

But amidst the ache, there’s a flicker of warmth – the memories we shared, a love that remains a beacon. In the quiet moments, especially in dreams, your presence washes over me like a gentle wave.

In those fleeting moments, the bond transcends time and space, offering a brief, precious comfort.

Mom, you remind me of the strength I inherited from you, the fire that burns within, fueled by your love. You taught me to weather storms, to find beauty in the ordinary, and to hold onto hope even in the darkest hours. These are the blessings you bestowed upon me, the greatest gifts a mother could give.

There are days when the weight of solitude feels overwhelming, a stark reminder of the void you left behind. But then, in the hushed whispers of dreams, you’re there. A hand on my shoulder, a knowing smile, your voice a soothing balm.

I want to honor you

I want to honor you, Mom. I honor your memory, your spirit, and the love that continues to guide me. The tears may fall, but they are mingled with gratitude. I know I feel it, that you’re still here, a presence woven into the very fabric of my being.

Thank you, Mom, for everything. Today, I celebrate you, honor you, and cherish the memories we made. Your spirit lives on in me, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

In these moments of reflection, I find solace in knowing that your love endures. Your wisdom, your kindness, and your unwavering support are the guiding stars in my life. Though you are no longer here in the physical sense, your presence is felt deeply, woven into every aspect of who I am.

Thank you, Mom, for everything.


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