# Canvas of Dreams#

Underneath a moonlit sky, a beautiful vision unfolds, where a lone dreamer encounters a mesmerizing sight on a fantastical beach. A herd of white horses led by a captivating girl appears before them. The cool wind whispers secrets and the earth trembles, taking the dreamer on a thrilling adventure.

Get ready to be swept away by this magical encounter, where love and wonder dance under the silver glow of the moon.

the Dream of Kiss

Once I was on the Beach, with a canvas at my hand,

Moonlit dunes of silver, where mysteries about to land

Cool winds tangled my hair, a whispered salty song,

A thrilling, tingling shiver, where magic danced along.

Then thunder shook the earth, the ocean rose in fright,

A herd of horses galloped, bathed in moon’s soft light.

Their silver manes flew wild against the inky sky,

And on the back, a rider, with her  sparkling eye.

Her cheeks a rosy blush, like petals kissed by bees,

Her eyes, mystery, and hair caught in ocean breeze.

She reached out with a hand, a whisper on her lips,

And in a moment’s magic, she kissed my fingertips.

On my canvas unfolded a portrait of her grace,

Capturing her spirit, her beauty, her embrace.

She gasped in surprise, seeing her likeness there,

A love born in that instant, beyond time’s earthly snare.

My breath caught in my throat, a tale yet to unfold,

Of love that bridged the waves, hearts forever bold.

But then I woke with a gasp, the dream began to fade,

The beach, the Dream Girl, slipping into memory’s shade.

Yet the wonder lingered on, in that room so dark and still,

A dream that thrilled my soul, with its magical, haunting thrill.

(Vijay Verma)


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