# Respect for the Aged #

Yes, We are Senior citizens.

Happy Respect for the Aged Day! But did you know, for senior citizens like myself, every day is a chance to celebrate the incredible things we bring to the table?

Yes, there’s a national holiday on August 21st, established by President Reagan in 1988. It’s a wonderful day to acknowledge the immense contributions senior citizens have made throughout their lives.

But the wisdom, resilience, and hidden talents of our elders deserve year-round appreciation.

Forget the stereotype of rocking chairs and bingo nights. Today’s senior citizens are a diverse group. Many continue to work well into their golden years, sharing their experience and expertise.

A study by the Urban Institute found nearly 9 million Americans over 65 were still employed in 2016!

The United States isn’t alone in honoring its elders. While we celebrate on August 21st, Japan, with the world’s oldest population, observes “Respect for the Aged Day” on the third Monday in September.

This highlights the global recognition of the importance of valuing and supporting our senior population.

But what exactly makes senior citizens so amazing? Here are a few things you might not know:

  • Super Recognizers: Some seniors possess exceptional facial recognition skills, becoming “super-recognizers.” This might stem from years of experience reading people!
  • Savvy Savers: Many have lived through economic hardships, making them budgeting and saving wizards. These individuals have perfected the art of stretching a dollar, finding creative solutions to financial challenges, and achieving impressive savings goals.

Their resourcefulness and determination serve as an inspiration to others who seek to improve their financial well-being.

  • Masters of Many Tongues: Don’t underestimate their language skills! Globalization may be new, but some seniors have hidden fluency from travel, military service, or cultural immersion.
  • Tech Wizards: Don’t be fooled by a lack of wrinkles – many seniors are embracing technology, using social media, and even becoming YouTube stars!
  • World Champions in Disguise: Age is just a number for some! You might find hidden athletic talents lurking beneath a gentle demeanor, from championship bowlers to marathon runners.
  • The Gift of Gab: Years of experience often translate into exceptional communication skills. Seniors may be masters at storytelling, public speaking, or simply having engaging conversations.
  • Musical Virtuosos: Music is a lifelong companion. Don’t be surprised to find hidden talents on the piano, guitar, or even obscure instruments!
  • Business Minds Never Retire: Retirement doesn’t stop the entrepreneurial spirit. Many seniors leverage their experience to launch successful businesses later in life.
  • Lifelong Learners: Curiosity never fades! Seniors can be found actively enrolled in college courses, attending lectures, or joining book clubs, demonstrating a lifelong commitment to learning.
  • Champions of Resilience: Having lived through historical events and personal challenges, seniors possess a deep well of resilience. They offer invaluable advice and emotional support.
  • Artistic Expression Across the Ages: The urge to create doesn’t disappear with age. Seniors may surprise you with hidden talents in painting, writing, sculpting, or other artistic endeavors.
  • Holders of Untold Stories: Every senior has a unique story to tell. From historical accounts to personal triumphs, their experiences offer a glimpse into the past and wisdom for future generations.

So, let’s celebrate senior citizens every day, not just on a designated holiday. Let’s recognize their value and contributions.

Let’s continue to be active and engaged members of society, building inclusive and supportive communities for all ages. Remember, growing older is a privilege – let’s make the most of it, together!

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