# A Love Story Beyond Time #

The Tale of Tulsidas and Ratnavali:

In the annals of Indian spirituality and literature, the name Tulsidas shines brightly as a luminary who left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions. His devotion to Lord Rama and his profound contributions to Hindu literature have made him an integral figure in the cultural tapestry of India.

Tulsidas, born in the 16th century, is celebrated for his devotion to Lord Rama, a devotion that began from the moment of his birth.  As per Hindu scriptures. It is said that when he came into this world, the very first word that graced his lips was “Rama,” a testament to his deep spiritual connection.

This extraordinary beginning earned him the endearing nickname “Ramabola” or “one who speaks of Ram.”

Ratnavali, known for her beauty, intelligence, and piety

Yet, the story of Tulsidas is not just about his divine devotion; it is also a love story that transcends time. Tulsidas was deeply attached to his wife, Ratnavali, a woman known for her beauty, intelligence, and piety. His love for her was so profound that he could not bear even a moment’s separation.

The tale of their love takes an intriguing turn, one that highlights the complexities of human emotions and devotion.

On one fateful day, Tulsidas left home, leaving Ratnavali behind. Upon his return, he was shocked to discover that his beloved wife had gone to her father’s house with her brother, who had visited in Tulsidas’ absence.

The separation was unbearable for Tulsidas, and his love for Ratnavali drove him to embark on a challenging journey to be reunited with her.

As he traversed through darkness, rain, and wind, Tulsidas encountered a swollen river, Yamuna.

In his desperation to reach Ratnavali, he courageously jumped into the river, unknowingly using a dead body as a makeshift log to cross the turbulent waters. He then continued his arduous journey to his father-in-law’s home.

Arriving late at night, he found all doors closed. Ratnavali’s room was on the upper floor, and he had to climb a rope to reach her. In the darkness, he mistook a serpent for a thick rope and, determined to be with his beloved, ascended to her room.

A Love Story Beyond Time

Expecting Ratnavali to be overjoyed at his arrival, Tulsidas was met with shock and horror. His wife, upon witnessing the “rope” he had climbed, revealed it was a gigantic serpent, and the “log” in the river was, in fact, a lifeless body. Instead of delight, Ratnavali was filled with dread.

In the midst of her shock, Ratnavali uttered words that would forever alter the course of Tulsidas’ life.

She said to Tulsidas, “My body is but a network of flesh and bones. If you would develop for Lord Rama even half the love that you have for my filthy body, you would certainly cross the ocean of Samsara and attain immortality and eternal bliss”. These words pierced the heart of Tulsidas like an arrow.

Tulsidas, in a moment of profound realization, understood that his overwhelming love for his wife had momentarily overshadowed his devotion to Lord Rama.

Ratnavali’s retort was not merely a reflection of her individual wisdom; it held a message that would shape the destiny of Tulsidas. It served as a catalyst for his renunciation of family life and his transformative journey across North India, where he preached the story of Lord Rama’s life.

The story of Tulsidas and Ratnavali is not only a tale of human emotions but a lesson in devotion and surrender. It illustrates how love, when guided by divine purpose, can lead to a profound transformation and a life dedicated to a higher calling.

Tulsidas’ journey, inspired by the wisdom of his beloved wife, resulted in the creation of the monumental epic, the “Ramcharitmanas,” which narrates the life and teachings of Lord Rama in the vernacular language, making it accessible to the masses.

Friends, this unique love story of Tulsi Das is not just a historical anecdote but a timeless narrative of love, devotion, and self-discovery, It demonstrates the boundless possibilities of human emotions when intertwined with spirituality.

The legacy of Tulsidas and the wisdom of Ratnavali continue to inspire generations, reminding us that true love is one that leads us closer to the divine.

(Pic Courtesy:Google.com)


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8 replies

  1. ♥️♥️♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tulsidas ‘s Ramcharit Manas is a beautiful creation.Nice blog on Tulsidas ‘s love story.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As usual, great writeup 😊 There is only joy and nothing else when we read about these great people🙏 I have been recently reading and writing about #Tulsidas ji and #Ramcharitamanas. The only thing to add/amend is, Tulsidas Ji had a son named Tarak, who unfortunately died at a very young age. Ratnavali could not overcome the grief and hence went/moved to her parent’s house. This is how Tulsidas Ji went to see Ratnavali…rest all is well captured in your article 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your kind words.
      I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the writeup about Tulsidas Ji and Ramcharitamanas.
      Your addition of details about Tulsidas Ji’s son Tarak and the poignant circumstances surrounding Ratnavali’s departure
      adds a layer of depth to the narrative. Yes, this aspects that make the stories of great personalities even more touching and relatable.
      I appreciate your valuable contribution to the narrative, and I’m grateful for your engagement with the content. 🙏😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for sharing your feelings.



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