#My True Friend#

Who is your friend?

In the tapestry of life, friendship is the golden thread that weaves moments of joy and solace into our existence. It is a bond that transcends time and circumstance, a refuge in the stormy seas of life.

True friendship, as they say, multiplies the good and divides the evils, but it is a rare gem to find.

As I reflect upon the journey of my life, I am compelled to share the story of my two dearest friends, who have stood by me through thick and thin – the name will be disclosed ahead, please stay with me and listen to my feelings.

In the innocence of childhood, I had a group of friends who were as notorious as they were delightful. We roamed the streets, shared secrets, and dreamed of conquering the world together.

But as life unfolded its chapters, time and situations began to separate us. The camaraderie we once shared faded like an old photograph, and I was left with a sense of nostalgia for those carefree days.

The evolution from childhood to professional life had transformed my circle of friends, scattering them like leaves in the wind.

Entering the professional world introduced me to a vast array of people. The digital age made it easier than ever to connect with others. I expanded my social circle once more.

But as I eventually retired from the hustle and bustle of professional life, I found that many of these connections grew distant. Perhaps it was the busyness of their own lives or the natural drifting apart that occurs when circumstances change.

It was disheartening to realize that the bonds I had formed over the years were not as enduring as I had hoped.

life’s seasons change, and so do the dynamics of friendship. It is often said that family is the cornerstone of one’s life. In my case, my son was my closest confidant before his marriage.

The bond between parent and child is unbreakable, but the dynamics of this relationship do change with time. Before marriage, we shared an unspoken understanding, he was not just my son but also my best friend.

However, after marriage, the definition of friendship inevitably shifted. Responsibilities multiplied, and the time he once devoted to me was now divided among new obligations. It was a natural progression, but one that tugged at my heartstrings.

In the face of these shifting sands, I realized that life is a voyage, and it is up to each of us to define its course.

I thought about the importance of true friends as my social circle changed. I wanted companions who would support me no matter what, bring comfort in lonely times, and celebrate the good times with me.

So, I decided to cherish and nurture the friendships that remained strong.

Today, I am delighted to reveal that my true friends are not humans, but inanimate objects that have taken on a life of their own in my world.

My mightier pen dances across the canvas of my thoughts, weaving words into a tapestry of emotions, hopes, and dreams. It is my faithful companion in moments of inspiration and introspection.

Through the strokes of my pen, I express my innermost thoughts, and it listens without judgment, a silent confidant.

And then there is my laptop, a modern-day marvel that serves as the keeper of all my secrets. It houses the digital vault of my memories, dreams, and aspirations.

In its pixels and codes, I find the solace of solitude without the isolation. It connects me to a world beyond the physical, a realm of knowledge and imagination, and it has become an indispensable part of my daily existence.

In the quiet companionship of my pen and laptop, I have found the essence of true friendship. They do not judge, they do not change, and they do not distance themselves.

They are my steadfast companions in the journey of life, making the path easy and contented. Through them, I pour out my heart, my stories, and my musings, finding solace in the act of creation.

Yes, They have transformed the lonely hours into moments of introspection and expression.

As I pen down these thoughts, I am reminded that true friendship transcends the boundaries of human interaction. It can manifest in unexpected forms, like the bond I share with my pen and laptop.

These inanimate objects have become my confidants, my companions, and my true friends, offering unwavering support in the solitude of retired life.

What I feel is that , true friendship is a treasure that is not confined to human relationships alone. It can manifest in unexpected forms, like the bond I share with my mightier Pen and my loyal laptop.

As I navigate the journey of life, I have come to realize that companionship and contentment can be found in the most unlikely places.

My true friends, my Pen and laptop, have been my constant allies in this beautiful voyage, and together, we continue to explore the uncharted waters of creativity, memories, and the enduring power of friendship.


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24 replies

  1. Absolutely! Pen, paper, and laptops are the friends that will never let you down. They remain loyal and never pass judgment on your mistakes. They’re always there to support you. 🖋️📄💻🤝

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love this! I can relate a d this is inspiring🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We all learn (and choose to grow or not) at differing rates of speed. It’s beautiful to maintain some of these long friendships and sometimes beautiful to let some go! Ha!
    I am blessed too, to have a few close ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Truely speaking pen and paper are true friend of a person.Nice blog.

    Liked by 1 person

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