#Who Ignited My Dreams#

Choosing a favorite historical figure is like picking a favorite star in the sky – there are just so many incredible people who have left their mark on the world.

From Gandhi’s peaceful revolution to the artistic brilliance of Picasso, each person has a unique story to tell. But for me, one name shines brighter than the rest: Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the legendary “Missile Man of India” and the people’s President.

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam’s story is an underdog tale straight out of a movie. Born in 1931 in a small town in India, Kalam’s family wasn’t wealthy. His father owned a boat, and his mother was a housewife.

Yet, despite facing financial limitations, young Kalam possessed a thirst for knowledge that couldn’t be quenched. Fueled by his parents’ values of hard work, honesty, and spirituality, he excelled in his studies.

My Favorite Historical Figure

Kalam’s journey from a bright student to a renowned scientist is nothing short of awe-inspiring. After graduating with degrees in physics and aerospace engineering, he joined the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and later the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

His groundbreaking work on ballistic missile technology launched him into national fame, earning him the iconic nickname “Missile Man of India.” He even played a pivotal role in India’s Pokhran-II nuclear tests, a feat that cemented India’s status as a nuclear power.

Dr. Kalam’s brilliance wasn’t confined to the realm of science and technology. He possessed a far-reaching vision for India, a vision that was inclusive and forward-thinking. As the 11th President of India (from 2002 to 2007), he became a beloved figure – known for his down-to-earth personality, his willingness to connect with anyone, and his genuine concern for the well-being of his people.

He was a regular visitor at schools, constantly encouraging students to dream big and chase their goals with relentless passion. His visionary document, “India 2020,” outlined a roadmap for transforming India into a developed nation by 2020, focusing on crucial areas like education, healthcare, infrastructure, and agriculture.

Dr. Kalam’s life wasn’t defined solely by his achievements. Here are some lesser-known facts that paint a more well-rounded picture of this remarkable character:

  • A Lifelong Learner:
    Even in his golden years, Dr. Kalam craved knowledge. He pursued a law degree to gain a deeper understanding of the legal and political complexities surrounding his role as President.
  • A Melody in his Heart:
    Many are unaware of Dr. Kalam’s passion for music. He was a skilled veena player, finding solace and inspiration in the traditional Indian instrument’s soothing tunes.
  • The Poet Within:
    Dr. Kalam wasn’t just a man of science; he was also a poet. He penned beautiful verses in both Tamil and English, expressing his thoughts on life, nature, and spirituality.
  • Living Simply:
    Despite holding high positions of power, Dr. Kalam never strayed from his simple lifestyle. A vegetarian who abstained from alcohol and smoking, he emphasized the importance of humility and a grounded approach to life.
  • Teacher at Heart:
    After his presidency, Dr. Kalam returned to his true calling – teaching. He spent his remaining years interacting with students across the country, delivering inspiring lectures, and motivating young minds to pursue careers in science and technology.

Dr. Kalam’s life is a testament to the transformative power of dreams and unwavering dedication. He’s not just a role model for Indians but for people across the globe. His message of perseverance, integrity, and resolute pursuit of goals continues to resonate, igniting the fire of ambition in new generations.

One of his most iconic quotes perfectly encapsulates his philosophy: “Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.” Dr. Kalam believed in the transformative power of dreams and the importance of nurturing them with hard work and unwavering determination. His life story is a living testament to this belief.

For me, Dr. Kalam isn’t just a historical figure; he’s a personal hero. His journey from a small-town boy to the highest office in India is a constant source of inspiration.

Dr. Kalam once said, “You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” As I reflect on his life and achievements, I am inspired to dream bigger, work harder, and contribute meaningfully to society, following in the footsteps of this extraordinary man.

Please click below the link for the previous Blog..


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12 replies

  1. I totally agree with the opening paragraph… Choosing a favorite historical figure is like picking a favorite star in the sky. Also, interesting read 😄

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for your kind words.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the piece. Indeed, choosing a favorite historical figure is like picking a favorite star in the sky –
      there are so many brilliant and inspiring individuals to admire.
      Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s life and legacy continue to inspire us all, and it’s heartening to know that his story resonates with you as well.
      Your appreciation means a lot, and I hope we both keep finding inspiration from the remarkable lives that have shaped our world. 😄


    • Thank you so much.
      I’m thrilled to hear that.
      Yes, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is our favorite and his life and legacy truly have a way of touching our hearts.
      Let’s continue to honor his memory by striving to live with the same integrity, passion, and dedication that he exemplified.


  2. Ditto, He is my favourite too. Thanks for sharing and bringing Him to life once again.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ditto 😊I’m thrilled to hear that Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is your favorite as well.
      Yes, His life and legacy truly have a way of touching our hearts and igniting our dreams.
      Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your admiration for him.
      It’s always wonderful to connect with someone who is equally inspired by such an extraordinary figure.
      Let’s continue to honor his memory by striving to live with the same integrity, passion, and dedication that he exemplified.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. He inspired me to be a teacher. Nicely written. According to him Childrens are scientist who have natural curiosity to ask questions and the the whole science is based on the principle of asking questions. Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, he truly had a unique perspective on education and the potential of young minds.
      It’s wonderful to hear that he inspired you to become a teacher. His belief that children are natural scientists
      with an innate curiosity is a powerful reminder of the importance of nurturing inquisitive minds.
      Thank you for your dedication to teaching and for carrying forward his legacy by encouraging the next generation . 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. very nice

    Liked by 1 person

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