#Beyond the Wrinkled Skin#

This poem is a powerful reflection on the weariness that comes with age. It delves beyond the physical aches and wrinkles, exploring the deeper exhaustion that settles on the soul after a lifetime of experience.

Despite the overwhelming sense of fatigue, the poem hints at a spark of defiance. The speaker recognizes the external pressures of a “weary world” but refuses to surrender.

Echoes of Weariness

Gazing into a mirror’s grasp,
Where shadows dance upon my face,
And lines whisper tales of time’s grasp.
Perhaps, I am feeling old.

Yet, my weariness runs deeper still,
Beyond the crumpled map of skin,
where my bones ache with the weight
Of all the years I’ve carried within.
Perhaps, I am feeling old,

My spirit languishes in this weary world,
Each step a burden, each breath a sigh,
As if the very air conspires against me,
To drain the light from within my eyes.
Perhaps, I am feeling old,

Like water seeping from a fractured vessel,
My thoughts trickle from this weary mind,
Not because the vessel is flawed,
Because the world itself bears cracks.

With every effort, every stride,
I’ll shake off weariness, set it aside,
And from this feeling, old and worn,
I’ll emerge renewed, resilient, reborn.

(Vijay Verma)

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