
#Who Ignited My Dreams#

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam Choosing a favorite historical figure is like picking a favorite star in the sky – there are just so many incredible people who have left their mark on the world. From Gandhi’s peaceful revolution… Read More ›

#A walk through Wax Museum#

A Fascinating Journey Through History Hello friends, Have you ever wanted to brush shoulders with historical figures, Bollywood superstars, and even Hollywood legends? Well, at Mother’s Wax Museum in Kolkata, you can do just that! Recently, I had the pleasure… Read More ›

# Tears of an Emperor #

The melody resonated through the grand hall, creating a stark contrast to the usual courtly music. As the last note faded, a hush fell over the room. Aurangzeb, captivated by the raw emotion in her voice, recognized the woman under… Read More ›